Dancing the labyrinth

Thanks to everyone, near and far—whether you could join us in person last Saturday or not—for helping us "Open the Circle." The story of that evening is told beautifully in photographs. A couple come from Stephanie Engelsen and a couple from Debi. But most of them come courtesy of Patty Taylor.
The photos describe the rhythm of the evening very well on their own...
Labyrinth | in
Opening the Circle,
Walking meditation

Reader Comments (2)
Beautiful photo essay. As the Unitarians discover the wordless power of music in our service, you seem to have hit upon the wordless power of images in your blog. There is a place for words, but perhaps not this time.
x x o o
Thank you for the glimpse into what you've created here with help from many friends.
It's like a beautiful Zen garden with everything in its place and it truly comes alive with
the two-footeds winding their way to the center.