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Café Tal


The hermit is the one who's always home

Beso negro, cappuccino, latte. 

Chocolate ultra concentrado de 3 onzas. "Todo un tocamiento obsceno."

and yet one travels in order to be visited 

...along alleyways and through plazas.

Diego Rivera was born here in Guanajuato.


Diego Rivera, "Flowered Canoe," 1931 

"De todas las toneladas de tinta que se han escrito en mi contra o a favor de mi, lo que realmente soy es un guanajuatense," él dijo.

"Of all the tons of ink that have been written against me or in my favor, what I really am is a Guanajuatense," he said. 

And so it's good to be on the road again. Especially together. 

"Keep your pilgrim self alive," we told ourselves years ago.

But it's not so easy. 

Because no matter where you are (at home or on the road) the task requires disentangling.

"Coddiwompling" is the expression Debi likes to use.

And for the picaresque, though there are waystations and adventures...

...there's no clear end.





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