Meeting the Divine—January 23 gathering

We lived in a Tibetan Buddhist meditation hall for two days—all alone, it seemed.
The thangkas were beautiful
A singing bowl still awakens us.
But nothing came all the way to life
…until you were here,
…and we sat together with a common, obscure intention,
…and the whole room hummed like a singing bowl itself.
Shree and Sushil and Pradeep and Promud hung the thangkas and set the singing bowls
…not like a shop, but like a temple.
And with her voice and singing bowls, Sharon created sacred space—within us and among us
And Emily explained—with passion and precision—Room to Read’s resolve to help.
Now all but one thangka and one singing bowl have gone.
But the sacred space is still here.
Saturday night was never about fundraising per se. But let’s do the math and see what else happened then.
With the purchase of thangkas and singing bowls and notecards and Red Egg prayer beads, we created $583 to contribute to Room to Read. We rounded that number to a neater $625
…because via one of those synchronicities the universe loves to give, we realized this morning that the Financial Times had selected Room to Read as a “Charity Partner,” which means that until January 27 (whew!), corporate sponsors will match all donations. In the blink of an on-line button, we’ve just raised $1250. We’ve dedicated that amount to Room to Read’s “Girls’ Education Program in Nepal.”
Yes, by some abstract abacus or another, we could consider this a modest sum.
But do the math. What this really means is that we’ve provided for the educational needs of five Nepalese girls for a full year.
You have bought their books.
…and backpacks
…and writing supplies
…and provided their transportation. If they live far away from school, you have given them a bicycle.

You have given them female mentoring…and life skill classes and a wealth of other activities that will support them.
So when you are meditating upon Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion,
…or wearing your prayer beads and running your fingers along them prayerfully, or absentmindedly,
…or when you are striking the singing bowl that opens your heart chakra
let it be a meditation bell
…reminding us that we are more connected than we imagine.
A few months ago, we were at the school in Nala that Shree and his brothers attended—a school with which Room to Read partners.
Even so, I don’t always remember well enough.
…these photographs,
…these dear faces—and our time together—help to remind us.
Below is a link to Room to Read’s “Girls’ Education Program.” Here you can learn more particulars about the program’s approach and whom you are supporting.
Room to Read,

Reader Comments (4)
Chris and Debi -- you guys are great at bringing the world to us. Red Egg gatherings remind me to think of others, make it easy to contribute to those less fortunate and attract REALLY interesting groups of people who get mesmerized by what you're doing. The vitality of the group event is not like anything I've experienced. You bring us thought, food and wonderful wonderful company. What a great concept :)
It looks like a memorable evening was had by all, and the memory of those helped by your thoughtfulness will stay closest to your heartsI have no doubt! Beautiful!
Thankyou for the peek.
Best Katie
Interesting may be interested in our shop, which has a wide range of meditation, sound therapy tools and Tibetan, Himalayan and crystal singing bowls
That was such a conspicuous comment, Judy, how interesting folks at the gathering were. The "we" is becoming a much different voice now, I'm finding. Does that make sense?