Red Egg Jewelry

Red Egg prayer beads and jewelry

Red Egg prayer beads and necklaces are for sale. If you are interested please contact us or visit our Etsy shop.





Red Egg is a center for art that deepens our connection with wisdom traditions around the world. Read more


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We’ve begun our year-long journey – or a trial run of it. We’re on a deck on Denman Island in the Strait of Georgia between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia. We’re overlooking the oyster beds of Fanny Bay. The last time you had oysters they might have come from here.

We won’t be on vacation. We’ll be learning to travel another way.

But what will that way be? “Pilgrimage” sounds presumptuous, but it will have to be something like that, and we’ll have to learn what that word really means. And what it really costs. On my part I know I’ll be facing a lot of anxieties. The difficult edges in our relationship will come up. But our strengths are already coming up as well, and we are already learning to lean on them.

It’s not an unfamiliar story: a mid-fifty-something couple heading out to do something different with their lives. We can imagine what that life might be, but understand (at least theoretically) that each new encounter can shift its course suddenly. There will be unexpected openings and the shadows of what can appear as “failures” or “setbacks.” But doesn’t failure just mean disappointment in our own expectancies?

We know that many of you have already set out similarly – and that some of you are yearning for when such a moment might come for you. We hope you’ll follow along and help teach us when you can. We’ll be as honest as we can.

Beginning – Debi

“What a time to start our gallery and world travel, with the economy in such a
bad state and gas prices so high,” I told my drum teacher, Zorina.

“It’s a perfect time to start”, she responded.

She’s right. What better way to start a pilgrimage? It’s both scary and exciting. No guarantees, no promises—only trust and an open heart. With a couple of weeks behind us now, we have seen incredible beauty and have been showered with the kindness and generosity of our good friends. And we have only just begun.

Reader Comments (7)

Hi Debi and Chris,

It looks like a beautiful start to a beautiful journey. We will be following your adventure and wish you much success on your way.


Doug and Nancy

August 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdsnfking

Chris and Debi,

So good to know you've stepped out the front door and have a long trip before you. The paring down that happens on a real journey, of possessions, of schedule complications, of too many expectations, is a wonderful gift, and before you know it, it's a walking stick and knapsack and each other's company in a brand new way. God bless you as you go, my dear friends.



August 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with all of us. I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I look forward to the next installment. Safe travels to you.

xoxo Mere

August 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Hi Chris and Debi, You are well armed in you search for the numinous, and beauty at the heart of the world and we look forward to each installment of your new story. All best,

John and Carol

August 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjuanc

It's great that you are posting a blog with your travels! This will really enrich everyone's experience, from the artists involved, to the folks who will visit your gallery. Let me know when you're ready to visit Gee's Bend AL! I know the quilters will be excited to host you and get to know you and your wonderful cause.


Stephanie Burak

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteritsstephieb

I'm glad you guys are off! I knew you left wednesday because I had a dream of a red egg in a brier patch. The branches were so thick that you could barely see the egg, but it was there. So into the Heart of Darkness you go with all the best wishes in the world.


October 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterschweetiecakes

Move over David Breashears, you guys are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. The Gee Bend story is gripping. I can't wait until your next post. The photography is wonderful. The quilts look like jazz sounds.

October 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjudy

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